Drug store finds that are worth a look

As a single working female, I understand more than most that money matters.  A LOT.  I pinch pennies wherever possible, and I still end up sitting here eating a pb&j for dinner while I write this post.  So for all of my fellow gals who love beauty but survive on Ramen Noodles, I wanted to share a little drugstore find that does it’s job without breaking the bank.

Maybelline Volum’ One-by-One Express Mascara.

It claims to have “all of the volume without the bulk”

I really think it delivers.

It has a special brush that coats each lash, and de-clumps at the same time, because each tiny bristle separates all of your lashes.  It is the ONLY drugstore mascara that I will buy, and although (in my personal opinion) it doesn’t QUITE stand up to higher end brands, it is very very close.

I can put on a few coats and it will immediately lengthen, thicken, and separate my lashes into perfection. 

If I were to compare the way Maybelline’s Volum’ Express One-by-One Mascara LOOKS on my eyelashes with The Smashbox Full Exposure (I reviewed this mascara in an earlier post! go read it!) then they are close to being identical.  Great length, great volume, great separation.

I think the difference lies in the way the Maybelline FEELS.  It doesn’t leave your lashes as soft when they are coated… they are more… stiff… which has never really bothered me.  I don’t normally go around feeling up my eyelashes all day or anything, so I can definitely live with it.  BUT, at the end of the day, you will have mascara crust flakes under your eyes.  The later it gets into the night, the crustier and sloppier my mascara starts looking.  But that’s after a LONG day.  And maybe I’m just abusive to my face throughout the day so my makeup ends up hating me and migrating away.  Normal people might not have this problem… (hmm… I’ll have to look into this…)

I can truly say that this is my favorite drug store mascara, though.

And I say this with confidence.

Because if you’re looking to save a few bucks on mascara, this has always been my go-to, and she hasn’t let me down yet.

You can buy Maybelline Volum’ Express One-by-One Mascara at pretty much any drugstore (CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.) or somewhere like Target

Happy primping, ladies.


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